How can Education Institutes engage maximum Leads through Webinars?

by Priyalshri Chattar | Jun 13, 2023 | ExtraaEdge’s Blog

This is 2023, and digital advancement is at its peak. Virtual platforms are overpowering traditional media, and webinars have emerged as a powerful tool for educational institutions. Webinars provide a unique opportunity to directly connect with prospective students and showcase the strengths and offerings of your institute in an engaging and interactive manner. These online seminars offer a convenient and interactive way to showcase what you have to offer, connect with prospective students, and build strong relationships.

What are the significant areas where webinars have had a strong impact?


The impact of webinars on lead generation and conversion rates is remarkable.

According to HubSpot’s “The State of Webinars 2022,” webinars have a staggering 90% higher lead-to-close rate compared to other marketing channels. This statistic alone highlights the effectiveness of webinars in engaging potential students and guiding them through the enrollment process.

Webinars help educational institutions increase brand awareness.

A study by eMarketer revealed that webinars can boost brand awareness by up to 20%. Institutes can showcase their expertise by hosting informative and engaging webinars, highlighting their USPs, and creating a lasting impression on attendees.

Webinars have the potential to drive significant traffic to institutions’ websites.

Research from BrightTALK’s “The State of Webinar Marketing 2022” indicates that webinars can improve website traffic by an impressive 30%. By strategically promoting webinars across various channels, educational institutes can attract a larger audience and direct them to their website, where they can explore the institution’s offerings in detail.

Webinars play a pivotal role in boosting social media engagement for education institutes 

According to Social Media Examiner’s “The State of Webinar Marketing 2022,” webinars can increase social media engagement by 40%. By hosting live webinars or sharing recorded sessions on social media platforms, institutes can spark conversations, encourage interactions, and establish themselves as thought leaders within the industry.

It is now evident that by adopting webinars as a strategic tool, you can position yourself at the forefront of innovation, ensuring they effectively engage a multitude of leads within the dynamic digital environment.

In this blog, we will delve deeper into the strategies and best practices that you can employ to engage maximum leads through webinars. From planning and promoting webinars effectively to delivering valuable content and leveraging post-webinar follow-ups, we will explore actionable insights to help you harness the power of webinars and achieve your enrollment goals. 

Systematic Pre-Webinar Planning  

systematic-pre-webinar-planning “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

A step-by-step guide for the same is provided to assist you throughout the planning phase, as a successful webinar requires careful planning and attention to detail: 

Step 1: Understanding the Target Audience

To maximize webinar engagement, understand your prospective students by identifying their demographics, interests, and pain points. Gain insights into their aspirations, challenges, and preferences to tailor webinar content and messaging accordingly. Surveys, enrollment data analysis, and market research offer valuable information.

Step 2: Defining Webinar Goals and Objectives 

Defining SMART goals is crucial for success. Specific objectives help create focused webinars aligned with desired outcomes. Goals include attracting applicants, promoting programs, sharing financial aid information, or showcasing campus facilities. 

Step 3: Selecting Compelling Webinar Topics 

Choosing engaging webinar topics is the key to a successful webinar. Address prospective students’ interests and concerns by selecting topics like career guidance, industry trends, program spotlights, admissions processes, and student life experiences. You can leverage institute expertise and engage current students, alumni, and professionals for valuable insights.

Step 4: Determine the date and time

Take into account the academic calendar, holidays, and students’ availability to ensure maximum attendance. Consider scheduling webinars during non-peak times or providing recordings for those who cannot attend live. 

PS: Tuesdays and Wednesdays are considered ideal days to conduct a webinar. 

Step 5: Select a suitable platform 

Research and choose a webinar platform that caters to your needs. Consider features like screen sharing, breakout rooms, live chat, and integration with learning management systems to facilitate seamless interaction and collaboration.

Step 6: Plan your content

Develop content that aligns with your institution’s curriculum or learning outcomes. Incorporate interactive elements, case studies, or real-world examples. Invest time in creating visually appealing presentations, incorporating multimedia elements, and using interactive features such as live polls and Q&A sessions. 

Enhanced Webinar Promotion 


“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you’re doing, but nobody else does.” – Steuart Henderson Britt

Just as advertising is essential for businesses to make their products known, effective promotion is crucial for webinars to reach and engage the target audience. Without strong promotion, your webinar may not receive the attention and participation it deserves. A well-promoted webinar attracts the right participants, generates excitement, and maximizes attendance.

Below are the promotional tactics to ensure your webinar receives all the visibility and recognition it needs to make a significant impact: 

  • Leverage email marketing: Utilize your institution’s email list to send personalised invitations and reminders about the webinar. Craft compelling subject lines and include a clear call to action that leads recipients to the registration page.
  • Optimize the registration page or landing page: Streamline the registration process by creating a user-friendly and mobile-responsive registration page. Capture essential information from prospective students while keeping the form concise and easy to complete.
  • Offer incentives and exclusive benefits: Encourage prospective students to attend the webinar by offering a chance to win scholarships, application fee waivers, or exclusive access to additional resources or workshops related to the webinar topic. Highlight these incentives in your promotional materials and emphasize their value.
  • Utilise social media platforms: Promote the webinar on social media channels your prospective students frequently use, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Create engaging posts, share teaser content, use relevant hashtags, and encourage followers to register and share the event with their networks.
  • Collaborate with influencers and student ambassadors: Partner with influential individuals within the education field, such as industry experts, professors, or alumni, to help promote the webinar.
  • Targeted advertising: Utilize online advertising platforms like Google Ads, social media advertising, or display ads on relevant websites to reach a wider audience of prospective students. Target specific demographics, geographical areas, or interests to maximize the impact of your ads.
  • Engage with high schools and guidance counsellors: Establish connections with high schools and guidance counsellors in your target regions. Provide them with information about the webinar and encourage them to share it with their students and families.
  • Create teaser content: Generate excitement and anticipation for the webinar by sharing teaser content such as short videos, testimonials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of the upcoming event. This helps generate interest and encourages prospective students to register.

Memorable Webinar Experience


“Presentation is everything. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.” – Warren Buffett

This quote by Warren Buffett emphasizes the significance of presentation skills. It highlights that a successful webinar is not solely dependent on the content but also on the delivery and manner in which it is presented. The way information is conveyed, including body language, tone of voice, and visual aids, can significantly impact the prospective student’s perception and engagement.

A few tips to keep in mind to deliver a memorable webinar experience: 

  • Engaging content: Incorporate multimedia elements, such as visuals, and interactive polls, to capture and maintain participants’ attention throughout the webinar.
  • Clear communication: Use simple language, avoid jargon, and organise the content logically to ensure participants can easily follow along and comprehend the key messages being conveyed.
  • Personalised session: Address participants by name when possible, share personal anecdotes or stories related to the topic, and encourage participants to ask questions or share their experiences during the session.
  • Technology utilisation: Use interactive features like chat boxes, virtual hand-raising, and breakout rooms to foster engagement and allow participants to actively participate and collaborate.
  • Actionable takeaways: Provide resources, links, or downloadable materials related to the webinar topic that participants can reference after the session to further explore the subject matter.
  • Student testimonials: Include testimonials from current students or alumni. These testimonials can add authenticity and credibility, giving prospective students a glimpse into the real-life impact of attending the institution.

Strong Post-Webinar Follow-Up 


“Your competition is the one who seized the opportunity to make your prospects feel valued and heard after you stopped engaging with them.” – Abhishek Ballabh 

This quote by Abhishek Ballabh, co-founder of ExtraaEdge, highlights the significance of following up with prospects in a competitive environment. It suggests that in the absence of your own follow-up, a competitor who takes the initiative to follow up with your prospect has a higher chance of converting them.

Below mentioned are 8 strong post-webinar follow-up points, you cannot miss out on:

  • Thank-You Email: Send a personalised thank-you email to all webinar attendees, expressing gratitude for their participation. Include a brief summary of the webinar highlights, key takeaways, and any additional resources that may be relevant to their interests.
  • Webinar Recording: Provide a recorded version of the webinar to both attendees and those who registered but couldn’t attend. This allows individuals to revisit the content, share it with others, or catch up on what they missed. Include the recording link in the follow-up email.
  • Additional Resources: Offer supplementary resources related to the webinar topic, such as e-books, and relevant blog articles. These resources can deepen participants’ understanding, provide further insights, and showcase the institute’s expertise in the respective area.
  • Next steps and call to action: Clearly outline the next steps for prospective students to take after the webinar. This includes encouraging them to schedule a campus visit, explore specific academic programmes further, or start the application process.
  • Feedback survey: Send a post-webinar survey to gather feedback and evaluate participants’ experiences. Ask about the quality of the content, the webinar delivery, and if they have any remaining questions or concerns. This feedback can help improve future webinars and tailor content to meet the needs of prospective students.
  • Personalised Follow-up Communication: Segment the attendees based on their expressed interests or engagement during the webinar. Send personalised follow-up emails that address their specific questions or provide additional information on the topics they showed particular interest in. This tailored approach demonstrates attentiveness and helps with easy conversions.
  • Encourage social sharing: Request that attendees share their positive experiences from the webinar on social media platforms. Offer pre-written social media posts or hashtags to make it easy for them to spread the word. Additionally, request testimonials from satisfied attendees, which can be used in future promotions or as social proof of the institute’s value.
  • Regular Email Campaign: Include webinar attendees in a nurturing email campaign designed to keep them engaged and informed about the institute’s offerings. Send them periodic updates on relevant news, upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, or success stories to maintain a connection and sustain their interest.

Wrap Up 

Webinars have emerged as a powerful tool for educational institutions. By strategically planning, promoting, and delivering compelling webinars, you can effectively leverage this platform to achieve your enrollment goals.

However, it’s important to recognise that the impact of webinars doesn’t end with the live session. A strong post-webinar follow-up is crucial for converting prospects into students. Implementing a comprehensive lead nurturing platform, such as our Education CRM

The system allows you to segment data and communicate through multiple channels like personalised emails, WhatsApp, SMS, and click-to-call. This 360-degree approach ensures that you stay connected with prospects, nurturing and guiding them until they convert into enrolled students.