6 tips to leverage the power of Facebook in Education Marketing

by Priyalshri Chattar | Jun 26, 2024 | ExtraaEdge’s Blog

Today, let’s debunk some common myths about Facebook and educate ourselves with the facts.

Myth: Facebook is old news; no one is using it now.
Fact: Facebook has 3.065 billion monthly active users (MAUs) as of Q4 2023. 

Myth: Facebook is becoming less popular in India.
Fact: India has the most Facebook users, with over 366.85 million.  

Myth: Eventually, the user count will decline in the upcoming years.
Fact: By 2027, Facebook is projected to reach 75.79% of the world’s population.

Looking at these facts, clearly, Facebook is not old news. It’s still one of the most crowded social media platforms.

Why is Facebook your Ultimate Marketing Leverage?

We need to vet the above data a little more to understand why Facebook carries the potential to be one of your powerful marketing levers for better admission numbers.

Understanding Facebook’s Audience

As of April 2024, men between the ages of 25 and 34 constitute the largest segment of Facebook’s global user base, accounting for 18.4%. 

Additionally, men aged 18 to 24 represent the second-largest audience group. 

This demographic insight is crucial for you, as these age groups often encompass prospective students, alumni, and young professionals considering further education. Tailoring your marketing efforts to resonate with this audience can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Global Reach and Influence

Since its inception in 2004 and public listing in 2012, Facebook has grown to become one of the most influential internet companies, often grouped with Google, Apple, and Amazon under the acronym GAFA. 

Its stature as a leading social network is complemented by ownership of other major platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, each boasting over a billion users. 

This interconnected ecosystem offers multiple channels to disseminate content and interact with your audience.

Mobile Dominance

The majority of Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices, which is particularly relevant in mobile-first markets. 

This trend emphasizes the importance of optimizing content for mobile consumption. You can leverage mobile-friendly videos, live streams, and interactive posts to capture the attention of your audience on the go.

Geographical Insights

Facebook’s user distribution highlights significant opportunities in key regions. India leads with 378 million users, followed by the United States, Brazil, and Indonesia, each with over 100 million users. 

For you, this data points to strategic markets for international student recruitment and global outreach programs. 

Developing localized content and targeted advertising can effectively attract students from these high-user regions.

How to Leverage the Power of Facebook in Education Marketing?



Now that you know that your prospects can be found & engaged on Facebook, it is imperative to align your strategies to take the utmost advantage of social media.

And if you, as a decision-maker in an education institute wish not to lag in today’s competition, here are 6 super useful tips that you must not turn a blind eye to:

Boost Conversions through Custom Audiences

In the words of the esteemed Jack Welch, ‘If Everyone Is Your Customer, Then No One is Your Customer.’ Understanding your precise target audience is crucial yet often underestimated in capturing interest. 

According to an adstage study, businesses leveraging custom audiences have seen a remarkable 3.87 times increase in conversions.

Facebook ads offer a wealth of demographic data that savvy marketers can leverage effectively. You can segment prospects based on factors like gender, age, educational background, and more. This allows you to identify ideal candidates and target them specifically.

This feature not only helps you reach a focused audience but also enhances efficiency and saves on marketing costs. 

Targeted Reach through Mobile Ads

Nearly 96% of Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices, with a significant portion being young individuals exploring their undergraduate or higher studies options. To enhance the user experience, it’s crucial to prioritize mobile-friendly ads tailored for seamless viewing on smartphones and tablets.

Additionally, Facebook’s geofencing technology offers valuable insights by tracking the locations of prospects. This enables you to better understand their preferences and behaviours, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.

Expand your Reach through Lookalike Audiences

Facebook’s Lookalike Audience feature is a powerful tool for reaching new prospects who have yet to interact with your institution. By identifying individuals with interests, behaviours, and demographics similar to your existing audience, this feature extends your reach to those most likely to be interested in your offerings.

Lookalike audiences are proven to deliver the highest conversion rates, maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Once a lookalike audience member engages with your ads, you can further target them with detailed information about your institution and courses.

This strategy not only reduces marketing costs but also significantly boosts conversion rates, ensuring your message reaches those most likely to convert into students.

Engage & Enlist through Videos

Videos are a powerhouse on social media, especially on platforms like Facebook, where they capture attention and drive engagement, unlike any other content format. Research indicates that short video clips are processed more efficiently and enhance memory recall, making them a compelling choice for educational marketers.

Video content, such as student testimonials, virtual campus tours, and glimpses into campus life, offers a rich sensory experience that resonates deeply with your audience. Beyond mere information delivery, videos foster digital literacy and improve communication skills, reinforcing an institute’s brand dynamically and engagingly.

Re-target through Facebook Pixel

Retargeting campaigns are a strategic way to re-engage potential students who have shown interest in your educational institute but haven’t taken further action. 

By implementing a Facebook pixel on your website, you can track visitors’ behaviour, such as pages they’ve visited, actions they’ve taken (like filling out an inquiry form), or content they’ve engaged with (like program details or admissions information).

With this data, you can create custom audiences on Facebook. These audiences consist of users who have already interacted with your website in specific ways. For example, you can create an audience of users who visited your admissions page but didn’t complete an application.

Generate Leads through Lead Ads 

Lead Generation with Facebook Lead Ads allows educational institutes to capture contact information directly from potential students interested in their programs. These ads feature built-in forms that streamline the process, such as offering a free webinar or downloadable guide on specific programs in exchange for email addresses.

Following up with targeted email campaigns is crucial. Segment leads based on interests and program preferences to send personalized emails. 

For example, share program highlights, student testimonials, or upcoming events that align with each prospect’s interests, aiming to nurture them through the admissions process effectively.

Final Thoughts 

In debunking myths and highlighting Facebook’s expansive reach and user engagement, it’s clear that this platform remains indispensable for education marketing. 

Additionally, while targeting specific demographics and leveraging mobile-optimized ads are essential strategies, integrating these efforts with advanced systems like ExtraaEdge Education CRM elevates their effectiveness to new heights.

By seamlessly integrating Facebook ads with CRM platforms, you can orchestrate omnichannel marketing campaigns that nurture leads across multiple touchpoints. This approach not only enhances engagement and conversion rates but also minimizes lead loss by ensuring personalized interactions and timely follow-ups.

This synergy between social media advertising and CRM technology is key to maximizing enrollment outcomes and fostering lasting student relationships.