Business Development Specialist

Full-time, On Site | Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu

About ExtraaEdge

Ages ago (2015 :)), in the humble abode of Abhishek’s bachelor pad, our co-founders, Abhishek Ballabh & Sushil Mundada, set out to bring innovation into the world of admissions. Today, we are trusted with the admissions of over 300 educational institutions. Our team of 60 + team members (and growing!) are on a mission to help ExtraaEdge become the globally preferred Education Marketing Technology.

Here are some key facts about us

  • Currently used by over 4000 admissions officers and 240 teams across the globe.
  • High growth rate.
  • Rapid technological advancements. In a short span of 5 years at par with some of the market leaders.
  • End to End education-focused, customized tools.

What we love solving for

  • Building advanced technology that solves specific business problems and gives the admissions team an edge over their competitors.
  • Creating a delightful experience for each user and team to ensure their goals are met. 
  • Helping admissions & marketing teams grow.

    Here’s what you will be doing at ExtraaEdge

    • Meeting clients and ensuring a set target revenue is achieved consistently month on month.
    • Ensuring adequate meetings via referrals, partner relationships
    • Meeting clients at their locations/ remotely – Identify the pain points/ needs.
    • Provide solutions to the needs / Demonstrate the products.
    • Negotiate, close and onboard.
    • Build relationships to further upsell/ generate references & testimonials.

    Traits we look for:

    Samajh: Has knowledge about the work.

    Neeyat: Has the willingness to give the best to the job.

    Kabiliyat: Has the capability to do the job well.


    As per industry standards for startups.

    The Work Hours and Work Locations:

    Work Hours: You are expected to work from 9:30 AM to 7 PM IST. Keep in mind that being a startup, you may have to stretch from time to time depending on your workload and deadlines.

    Work Location: Punjab, Odisha, Tamil Nadu

    Benefits of joining our organization:

    • We are an amazing bunch of high-performing, hungry individuals that are on the way to greatness.
    • A great culture and environment to thrive in while having fun.
    • A platform to let loose your creative wild side and contribute to the company in various different roles like hiring, customer marketing, collections etc.
    • A flat 6% incentive on every New Revenue generated.
    • Monthly disbursement of incentives against collections.
    • Exposure to diverse learning opportunities.
    • Since we operate in a niche segment in a young and growing industry of marketing technology there is a constant need for an experimental approach every day.
    • Mentorship and coaching from founders to grow skills.
    • High learning & growth curve.
    • Certifications and Training programme.
    • ESOPS are offered after a certain tenure/ contribution within the organization.
    • Health insurance policy via Plum.
    • People First Organization where we believe in giving opportunity and growing constantly.

    What does the recruitment process look like?

    • One level of shortlisting.
    • Interview Rounds: Once shortlisted we usually do about 2-3 rounds of interviews and deep reference checks.

    For any enquiries reach out to us here: